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What do you need?

So there are a couple of things that I have learned about myself over the years.  First, I need to get at least 7 hours of sleep if I don’t want to be a zombie the next day.  I used to think this was an option….I’d stay up late as I seemed to be really productive at night.  The problem is that I love to get up early so when I go to bed late and get up early, my following day generally feels like the worst Monday ever.  If I go to bed late and get up late my psyche criticizes me all day for missing my favorite hours in the day which happen between 4:30 and 6:30 am.  It turns out it’s a pretty easy math equation:  figure out what time you like to get up and work the clock backwards for the amount of time you need to sleep.  Go to bed at that time without fail.  Works every time!

The second thing I know is that I have to move.  If I don’t take the time to get some exercise every day I start feeling tired and cranky.  Having 4 kids makes the going to bed early thing really easy but it makes the “get some exercise” every day a bit more complex.  It’s tough to get an effective workout if you have to stop 10 times each session to put a different dress on Barbie.  This is another reason that my early morning times are some of my favorites.  I can get in a work out and be done for the day by the time my first munchkin is ready for a morning cuddle. 

Time to think.  It took me longer to learn this about myself than anything else.  I simply need some quiet time to get back in touch with why I get up every day in the first place.  My schedule is pretty hectic and if I’m not really REALLY careful it’s easy to get bogged down in the routine of things and miss the joy in the “why” of my life and the love of the people that surround me each day.  At first it seemed like a waste of time to sit and think consciously about why I do what I do.  The truth is that this is the most important thing I do for myself and those people who rely upon me.  Being clear about which direction we are going in life is important and something we all need to do consciously.  The alternative is to let the current of life drift us from here to there rather than choosing where we want our plane to land.  (I like airplanes more than boats but you get the idea.)

So what do you need?  Have you taken the time to determine the little things that you need to do daily so you can be at your best for yourself and for your spouse, kids and employer?  We talk a lot in physical terms about wellness and health and what it takes to achieve those things.  If you don’t tend to those things that you need to give you your best shot at a good day, however, you’ll always come up short in your health journey.  Commit to yourself today to do what you need to do to get and stay healthy in your life. 

Do you have any questions? Contact us Today!


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